Reported speech

Косвенная речь, согласование времен



Reported speech или косвенная речь используется, когда мы передаем чьи-то слова. Обычно такие предложения начинаются со слов he/she said that....-  он/она сказал(а), что... итп. Когда мы используем косвенную речь, главный глагол в предложении обычно стоит в прошедшем времени: said, told, answered, replied итд.

Пример: 1) Jane said 'I live in Madrid'. - прямая речь

            2) Jane said that she lived in Madrid. - косвенная речь

Как мы видим, настоящее время в прямой речи меняется на прошедшее в косвенной. 

Изменение времен:

Present Simple  => Past Simple

 I live in Madrid  => ...said that she lived in Madrid.

Present Continuous => Past Continuous

I'm feeling ill =>... said that he was feeling ill. 

Present Perfect => Past Perfect

I have seen this movie => said that he had seen that movie .

Present Perfect Continuous => Past Perfect Continuous

I have been singing.  => said that he had been singing


Past Simple => Past Perfect/ либо можно оставить Past Simple

 I lived in Madrid =>...said that she had lived in Madrid.

Past Continuous=> Past Perfect Continuous

 I was sleeping   =>...said that she had been sleeping.

Past Perfect = Past Perfect

The train had already gone by the time we arrived  =...said that he train had already gone. 

Past Perfect Continuous = Past Perfect Continuous

He had been singing = He had been singing 



 В некоторых ситуациях время можно оставить без изменений, например если вы сообщаете факт, который все-еще актуален.

Пример: Jim says 'Los Angeles is more interesting than Chicago.' 

           Jim said that Los Angeles is more interesting than Chicago. 

 можно не менять время, т.к.Лос-Анжелес все еще интереснее Чикаго.

Важно запомнить: после глагола say обычно идет  частица to, а после глагола tell сразу существительное:

Say something to somebody  или tell somebody something.

Изменение некоторых слов:

Will => would

May => might

Was => was/were able to

Must => must/have to

Here => there

Ago =>before

Before =>earlier

This => that

These => those

Yesterday => the day before (previous)

Last week => the week before (previous)

Next => after, the following

Now => then

Then => at the moment

Today => that day

Tomorrow => next day

Shall => should

Can => could

Вопросы в косвенной речи

Когда нужно переделать вопрос у косвенную речь, то менять порядок слов не нужно, мы просто сохраняем форму как в простом предложении.

1. Пример: Can I leave the room?  => I asked if I can leave the room.

2. Пример: Where did you go this summer? => Mary asked where I had gone this summer.

3. Пример: What time is it?  => Tim asked me what time it was.

Общие вопросы: if...

1. Пример: Are you happy here? => Nick asked me if I was happy there.

2. Пример: Does Martin live in this flat? => Nick asked me if Martin lived in that flat.

Когда в предложении мы имеем выбор, используется слово whether...or

1. Пример: Do you want tea or coffee? => whether I wanted tea or coffee.

2. Пример: Is he comming or not? => whether he was comming or not.

Часто в косвенной речи используются глаголы: ask,wonder,want to know, cannot remember, cannot say.

Задания по уроку «Reported speech»